Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Sports Injuries of Head, Neck and Upper Limb among Cricket Players
Musculoskeletal Sports Injuries of Head, Neck and Upper
Sports Injuries, Prevalence, Musculoskeletal, Head and Neck, Upper LimbAbstract
Sports injuries have been reported with growing rate in a quest to identify patterns by which they can be predicted and prevented. Injury investigation in cricket has been started for almost twenty years. Objective: To determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal sports injuries of head, neck and upper limb among cricket players. Methods: It was a Cross-sectional study. Data were taken from 180 selected cricket players from different cricket academies, clubs of Lahore Pakistan. The data were analyzed by SPSS version 21 and with a self-generated questionnaire. Results: This study showed very low prevalence of head and neck injuries which is 5.6 % and very high prevalence of shoulder injuries are seen in this study which is 77.78 %. Elbow injuries are seen 19.4 % while there is a significant association between type of cricketers and shoulder pain. Conclusions: The prevalence of musculoskeletal sports injuries found very high in shoulder joint, then in elbow joint and then in head and neck which has affected their performance. Study also showed a significant correlation between the type of players and shoulder pain
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