Emerging Paradigms in Exercise-Based Neuro-Physiotherapy for Holistic Motor and Cognitive Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease
Neuro-Physiotherapy in Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease, Neurodegenerative Disorder, Neuro-Physiotherapy, Multimodal Exercise Programs, Technology-Driven InterventionsAbstract
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects motor and non-motor functions, including cognitive, emotional and autonomic systems, severely impacting quality of life. The motor symptoms of PD are successfully treated by traditional physiotherapy, but such treatments often fail to address the complexity and variety of PD. Advancements in exercise-based neuro-physiotherapy are reviewed, with a focus on innovative and multimodal approaches combining motor and cognitive rehabilitation. Technology driven interventions like virtual reality, robotics and AI add real time feedback and personalized care to therapy, while cognitive strategies like dual task training and mindfulness practice address cognitive impairments. Comprehensive benefits of multimodal exercise programs that include aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises are targeted to achieve both physical and mental health. Comparative analysis of traditional, emerging and multimodal approaches shows their strengths and weaknesses, and highlights the need for tailored interventions. Future directions are directed at longitudinal research, combination of pharmacological and surgical treatments, and the use of biomarkers and AI to design a personalized therapy to enhance outcomes and quality of life of PD patients
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