Forward Head Posture in Young Adults: A Systematic Review
Forward Head Posture in Young Adults
Muscle Spasm, forward head posture, neck pain, cervical painAbstract
A recent study shows that almost 78% of population have its neck in working position within 24 hours causing continuous stress on neck and shoulders which is forcing the neck in anterior or forward head posture. This may lead to upper back tightness and muscle spasm causing nagging to sharp pain. Hence, cervical pain and neck pain getting more attention. This study is designed to narratively review the prevalence of forward head posture in young adults Methods: A structured search on literature was done through various electronic and print data bases such as: Pubmed, cinhal, google scholar, science direct, cochrane library and scopus. Those studies were included in which age ranged from 20 to 45 years. Young adults from any profession were included. Those studies were excluded in which forward head posture was reported due to any systemic issue Results: A total of 120 studies had gone through in which 65 studies were short listed and on further review only 4 studies were included as they fit in proper methodology and hence, reviewed and reported. Studies reported a considerable variation in the prevalence with the clear greater incidence Conclusions: Forward head posture is a commonly seen disorder among young adults. Investigations and interventions in time along with knowledge of postural correction can deal with this raising problem.
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