Relationship of Resilience and Anxiety with injury prevention programs in Pakistani Footballers
Relationship of Resilience and Anxiety with Injury
Anxiety, Footballer, Injuries, Prevention, ResilienceAbstract
Resilience is a one of the major psychological qualities that enhance an individual’s strength and shield individuals from the adverse effects of diverse situations. Objective: To find out resilience and anxiety in footballers following or not following an injury prevention program. Methods: The study design used for this study was comparative cross-sectional survey, and data were collected from 35 football players. Players who were following or not following an injury prevention program were divided into two groups. Data for the resilience and anxiety was collected with help of strait trait anxiety questionnaire and Conner-Davidson resilience scale. Results: There was significant difference (p≤0.05) between the two groups for state anxiety in players not following any injury prevention program (44.15±4.71) and players following injury prevention program (39.00±3.77). Between groups comparison for trait anxiety also showed significant difference (p≤0.05) for players not following any injury prevention program (45.30±5.56) and following injury prevention program (40.20±4.21). Between groups comparison also showed that there was significant difference (p<0.05) in CDRS scores for players not following any injury prevention program (81.65±1.42) and players following injury prevention programs (92.20±1.97). Conclusions: The present study concluded that those players who had less anxiety levels had increased resilience levels while those players who were having increased anxiety had decreased resilience. There was a significant difference between anxiety and resilience levels and the players who were following injury prevention programs had less state and trait anxiety and better resilience
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