Effectiveness of Pursed Lip Breathing and Alternate-Nostril Breathing in Patients with Respiratory Dysfunction
Pursed Lip Breathing and Alternate-Nostril Breathing
Pursed Lip Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Oximeter, Oxygen Saturation, DyspneaAbstract
Respiratory dysfunctions are the diseases or disorders like Asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, lung cancer, pulmonary hypertension, COPD and tuberculosis. Among respiratory dysfunctions, COPD is the most common and may be fatal. Objective: To observe the effectiveness of pursed lip breathing and alternate-nostril breathing in patients of respiratory dysfunction. Methods: This study is aimed to see the effects of PLB and ANB on respiratory outcomes in COPD patients. Qausi Experimental study was completed on 100 participants of age between 24-60 years. Purposive sampling is used to select the population. The participants were selected on the basis of inclusion criteria. Informed consent was taken before the start of exercise. Pulse oximeter was used to assess oxygen saturation values, numeric pain rating scale rating pain from 1-10 , was used to check pain level and Samn-perelli fatigue scale rating fatigue from 1-7 from fully alert till completely exhausted was used respectively. SPSS (version 23) was used for statistical analysis. Findings show that there is marked improvement in respiratory functions including oxygen saturation, pain and fatigue. Results: Outcomes after 4-6 weeks of performing pursed lip breathing shows improvement in oxygen saturation and alternate nostril decreases fatigue and pain with the p-value 0.05 which is highly significant. According to statistics, all respiratory variables are highly significant with the p-value<0.05. Conclusions: It is concluded that pursed lip breathing and alternate nostril breathing is an effective in improving oxygen saturation and respiratory rate. It is an inexpensive, non-pharmacological and easy method and helped in improving respiratory outcomes.
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